
Using Stat Editor

Editing List Contents

Use the procedures in this section to delete and insert elements, to clear data, and to sort data.

STo delete a list cell(1)On the Stat Editor window, select the cell you want to delete.(2)Tap [Edit].

(3)On the menu that appears, tap [Delete], and then tap [Cell] on the submenu that appears.

• This deletes the cell and shifts all of the cells below it upwards.


You can also delete a cell by selecting it and then pressing the *key.

Note that deleting a cell does not affect the cells in other lists. If the position of the cell you are deleting or the cells underneath it are aligned with certain cells of another list, deleting the cell will cause misalignment of the cells underneath it when they shift upwards.

STo delete all of the data in a list(1)On the Stat Editor window, select the list whose data you want to delete.

(2)Tap [Edit].

(3)On the menu that appears, tap [Delete]. On the submenu that appears, tap [Column].

(4)On the confirmation dialog box that appears, tap [OK] to delete the list data, or [Cancel] to cancel the delete operation.

• Tapping [OK] deletes all the data from the list, and leaves the empty list in memory.

STo delete a list from memory(1)On the Stat Editor window, select the list you want to delete.

(2)Tap [Edit].

(3)On the menu that appears, tap [Delete]. On the submenu that appears, tap [List Variable].

(4)On the confirmation dialog box that appears, tap [OK] to delete the list, or [Cancel] to cancel the delete operation.

• Tapping [OK] deletes the list from memory.STo insert a cell into a list

(1)On the Stat Editor window, select the list cell where you want to insert a new cell.

(2)On the menu bar, tap [Edit] and then [Insert Cell].

This inserts a cell at the current highlighted location, shifting all the cells below it downwards. The new cell contains the word “Undefined”.