
Program Command Reference


Syntax: DrawGraph:[<expression>]

Function: Graphs the selected expression or an expression specified as a parameter.

Description: <expression> has a y= type expression on the right side. Graphing of any other type of expression is not supported by this command.

Example: DrawGraph: Graphs the currently selected expressions.

DrawGraph sin(x): Graphs y = sin(x).


Syntax: DrawShade:<expression 1>, <expression 2>[, <number 1>, <number 2>]

Function: Shades the area between expression 1 (lower curve) and expression 2 (upper curve) from x-values of number 1 to number 2.

Description: Expression 1 and expression 2 have a y= type expression on the right side. Graphing of any other type of expression is not supported by this command.

Example: DrawShade: Shades the area above the first expression and below the second expression from −2 to 2.

DrawShade x − 4, x^2, −2, 2


Syntax: GraphType: "y=" "r=" "xt=" "x=" "y>" "y<" "y" "y" "x>" "x<" "x" "x"

Function: Specifies the graph expression input type.

Example: GraphType "r ="


Syntax: GTSelOff:<graph number>

Function: Deselects a graph expression.

Description: Graph number range: 1 to 100