1-6-9 InputS 3key set

Tapping the 3key displays keys for inputting trigonometric functions, and changes the 3softkey to (. You can tap this key to toggle between 3and the default  keyboard. Tapping the  (hyperbolic) key switches to a key set for inputting hyperbolic functions. Tap the  key again to return to the regular 3key set.

κ μS key set

Tapping the key displays keys for inputting differential and integral calculus expressions, permutations, etc., and changes the softkey to (. You can tap this key to toggle between and the default keyboard.


Tapping the key inputs the “solve” function, while tapping the key inputs the “dSolve” function. See pages 2-8-43 and 2-8-44 for information about these functions.

For information about each of functions or symbols, see “2-4 Function Calculations”.

S * key set

Tapping the * key displays keys for inputting “<”, “ξ”, and other special operators, and changes the * softkey to (. You can tap this key to toggle between * and the default



Tapping the key inputs the “rSolve” function. See page 6-3-5 for information about this function.

For information about each of the functions and symbols, see “2-4 Function Calculations”.