

S 5key set

Tapping the 5key displays keys for inputting single-character variables, and changes the 5softkey to (. You can tap this key to toggle between 5and the default  keyboard. Tapping the $key switches to a key set for inputting upper-case single- character variables.



As its name suggests, a single-character variable is a variable name that consists of a single character like “a” or “x”. Each character you input on the 5keyboard is treated as a single- character variable. To input multiple-character variable names like “ab” or multiple-character strings, you must use the alphabet (abc) keyboard. For more information, see “Using Single- character Variables” on page 1-6-12.

For information about the #key that appears in the lower right of all of the math (mth) keyboard key sets, see “Using the Answer Variable (ans)” on page 2-2-2.

IUsing the Alphabet (abc) Keyboard

In addition of the initial alphabet (abc) key set, you can also select from among three other key sets, within alphabet (abc), named ,(character symbols), L(mathematics symbols), and 2(extra symbols).

S Initial alphabet (abc) keyboard key set

This keyboard is for inputting lower-case alphabetic characters. Tap +to shift the keyboard or $to caps lock the keyboard when you want to input upper-case characters.

Note that the initial alphabet (abc) keyboard uses the qwerty key arrangement, which is similar to a computer keyboard. You can also change to an azerty or qwertz arrangement. See “16-9 Specifying the Alphabetic Keyboard Arrangement”.