Chapter 1 FAQs and Troubleshooting
Firmware FAQs and Troubleshooting
Q.Can I give a firmware job a name that is used for a configuration or radio management job?
A.No. Job names cannot be duplicated.
Firmware Troubleshooting
•There is a time discrepancy in a job.
•Email about job completion fails to arrive at destination.
•Firmware is not updated on all the devices included in a job.
•An SNMP job fails.
•A firmware job ends with status “not verified.”
•Firmware jobs over slow links do not succeed.
•A conversion job fails because the firmware installation does not start.
•When downloading firmware from Cisco.com, an error message about cryptography permissions appears.
•When downloading firmware from Cisco.com, an error message about connectivity failure appears.
•Firmware and configuration jobs fail because the Telnet/SSH credentials are not valid.
•After conversion to IOS, the native VLAN information is not correct.
Symptom There is a time discrepancy in a job.
Possible Cause The time was not set correctly on the WLSE.
Recommended Action
a.Reset the WLSE time to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) using CLI commands as follows:
Enter services stop to stop services.
Enter the clock command to reset the time. Enter services start to restart the services.
FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine