Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Monitoring the Identity Firewall 39-24
Monitoring AD Agents 39-24
Monitoring Groups 39-24
Monitoring Memory Usage for the Identity Firewall 39-25
Monitoring Users for the Identity Firewall 39-25
Feature History for the Identity Firewall 39-26
40 Configuring Management Access 40-1
Configuring ASA Access for ASDM, Telnet, or SSH 40-1
Licensing Requirements for ASA Access for ASDM, Telnet, or SSH 40-2
Guidelines and Limitations 40-2
Configuring Management Access 40-3
Using a Telnet Client 40-4
Using an SSH Client 40-4
Configuring CLI Parameters 40-4
Licensing Requirements for CLI Parameters 40-5
Guidelines and Limitations 40-5
Configuring a Login Banner 40-5
Customizing a CLI Prompt 40-6
Changing the Console Timeout 40-7
Configuring File Access 40-8
Licensing Requirements for File Access 40-8
Guidelines and Limitations 40-8
Configuring the FTP Client Mode 40-8
Configuring the ASA as a Secure Copy Server 40-9
Configuring the ASA as a TFTP Client 40-9
Adding Mount Points 40-10
Adding a CIFS Mount Point 40-10
Adding an FTP Mount Point 40-11
Configuring ICMP Access 40-11
Information About ICMP Access 40-12
Licensing Requirements for ICMP Access 40-12
Guidelines and Limitations 40-12
Default Settings 40-13
Configuring ICMP Access 40-13
Configuring Management Access Over a VPN Tunnel 40-14
Licensing Requirements for a Management Interface 40-14
Guidelines and Limitations 40-14
Configuring a Management Interface 40-14