Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference

match url

When configuring a map, keep the following considerations in mind:

We recommend that you configure the URL match pattern during your maintenance window, or during off-peak hours.

You cannot specify different types of match patterns in a given map. For example, a map can include one or more match header statements, but it cannot include both match header statements and match url statements.

You can specify up to three maps in a given policy: one for header matching, one for method matching, and one for URL matching. For example, the following is a valid configuration:

ip csg map HOSTMAP

match header host1 value *.2.*.44


ip csg map URLMAP

match url */mobile/index.wml






ip csg policy MAP-POLICY











In this example, a flow must match both HOSTMAP and URLMAP in order to match policy










The following example shows how to specify URL match patterns for map MOVIES. In this example,



the URL match is TRUE for **.mpeg, for **.mpeg, for



**.mpeg, and for any other URLs that match the pattern:



ip csg map MOVIES




match url *.movies_(comedyactiondrama).com/*.mpeg



ip csg map IMAGES




match url *.(gifjpg)






Related Commands










ip csg case-sensitive

Specifies whether to treat CSG2 header, method, and URL match patterns




as case-sensitive.







ip csg map

Defines the CSG2 billing content filters (header, method, and URL maps),




and enters CSG2 map configuration mode.







ip csg policy

Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 billing services, and




enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.








References a header, method, or URL map that is part of a CSG2 billing











match header

Specifies a header match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.







match method

Specifies a method match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.







Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide

















Page 177
Image 177
Cisco Systems OL-15491-01 appendix 177, Ip csg map Movies Ip csg map Images Match url *.gifjpg