Cisco Systems OL-15491-01 appendix Convention Description, 176

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Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference

match url

**.mpeg **.mpeg **.mpeg **.mpeg

can be combined into the following single pattern:


Do not forget that the entire pattern, including wildcards and UNIX string-matching special characters, cannot exceed 128 characters.

You can specify up to 8192 match patterns.

The following table shows and describes the special characters that you can use in the pattern argument in URL match patterns.




Zero or more characters.




Zero or more repeated instances of the token preceding the +.




Zero or one character.




Escaped character.





Match on a question mark (\<ctrl-v>?)



Match on a plus sign



Match on an asterisk



Alert (ASCII 7)



Backspace (ASCII 8)



Form-feed (ASCII 12)



New line (ASCII 10)



Carriage return (ASCII 13)



Tab (ASCII 9)



Vertical tab (ASCC 11)



Null (ASCII 0)



Back slash



Bracketed range [0-9]

Matching any single character from the range.



A leading ^ in a range

Do not match any in the range. All other characters represent themselves.




Any ASCII character as specified in two-digit hex notation.


For example, \x3f yields a ? for a one-character wild card match.




For WAP, the CSG2 supports only URL maps. Header maps and method maps are not supported.


Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide



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Cisco Systems OL-15491-01 appendix Convention Description, 176