Host n Status Register [R/W]
•Host 1 Status Register 0xC090
•Host 2 Status Register 0xC0B0
Figure 26. Host n Status Register
Bit # | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 |
| 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
Field | VBUS | ID Interrupt |
| Reserved |
| SOF/EOP | Reserved | |
Interrupt Flag | Flag |
| Interrupt Flag |
| |
Read/Write | R/W | R/W | - | - |
| - | - | R/W | - |
Default | X | X | X | X |
| X | X | X | X |
Bit # | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| Reserved | Port A | Reserved | Port A Connect | Reserved | Port A | Reserved | Done |
Field |
| Wake Interrupt |
| Change |
| SE0 |
| Interrupt Flag |
| Flag |
| Interrupt Flag |
| Status |
| |
Read/Write | - | R/W | - | R/W | - | R/W | - | R/W |
Default | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Register Description
The Host n Status register provides status information for host operation. Pending interrupts can be cleared by writing a ‘1’ to the corresponding bit. This register can be accessed by the HPI interface.
VBUS Interrupt Flag (Bit 15)
The VBUS Interrupt Flag bit indicates the status of the OTG VBUS interrupt (only for Port 1A). When enabled this interrupt triggers on both the rising and falling edge of VBUS at 4.4V. This bit is only available for Host 1 and is a reserved bit in Host 2.
1:Interrupt triggered
0:Interrupt did not trigger
ID Interrupt Flag (Bit 14)
The ID Interrupt Flag bit indicates the status of the OTG ID interrupt (only for Port 1A). When enabled this interrupt triggers on both the rising and falling edge of the OTG ID pin. This bit is only available for Host 1 and is a reserved bit in Host 2.
1:Interrupt triggered
0:Interrupt did not trigger
SOF/EOP Interrupt Flag (Bit 9)
The SOF/EOP Interrupt Flag bit indicates the status of the SOF/EOP Timer interrupt. This bit triggers ‘1’ when the SOF/EOP timer expires.
1:Interrupt triggered
0:Interrupt did not trigger
Port A Wake Interrupt Flag (Bit 6)
The Port A Wake Interrupt Flag bit indicates remote wakeup on Port A.
1:Interrupt triggered
0:Interrupt did not trigger
Port A Connect Change Interrupt Flag (Bit 4)
The Port A Connect Change Interrupt Flag bit indicates the status of the Connect Change interrupt on Port A. This bit triggers ‘1’ on either a rising edge or falling edge of a USB Reset condition (device inserted or removed). Together with the Port A SE0 Status bit, it can be determined whether a device was inserted or removed.
1:Interrupt triggered
0:Interrupt did not trigger
Port A SE0 Status (Bit 2)
The Port A SE0 Status bit indicates if Port A is in an SE0 state or not. Together with the Port A Connect change Interrupt Flag bit, it can be determined whether a device was inserted
1:SE0 condition
Done Interrupt Flag (Bit 0)
The Done Interrupt Flag bit indicates the status of the USB Transfer Done interrupt. The USB Transfer Done triggers when either the host responds with an ACK, or a device responds with any of the following: ACK, NAK, STALL, or Timeout. This interrupt is used for both Port A and Port B.
1:Interrupt triggered
0:Interrupt did not trigger
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