Configuration Menu
5.Use the ESC key to return to the main menu.
6.Choose Save changes.
By default clustered slave devices are configured using the Telnet protocol and port parameters of the following: bps=9600, data bits=8, parity=none, stop bits=1, flow control=none. When the master device autoconfigures a slave device, it simply imports the information from the slave unit. If you want other protocols or other port parameters, you should configure your slave unit first with those parameters before autoconfiguring.
Before you start this configuration procedure, the slave units should already be configured unless you want them set to the default values. To set up the Digi CM for clustering, do the following:
1.Access the configuration menu.
2.Choose Clustering configuration > Unit position.
3.Assign the unit as the master device. A new screen is displayed.
4.Enter the number 1 for the first slave unit.
5.Choose Enable/Disable unit clustering > Enable.
6.Enter the values for Slave Unit IP, No. of ports, and Port configuration.
Chapter 16 | 135 |