Microsoft SAC Support
Chapter 9 | M i c r o s o f t S A C S u p p o r t |
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About Digi CM Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2003
The Digi CM provides a browser-based user interface to Microsoft’s text-based Special Administration Console (SAC), an integral part of Windows Server 2003 Emergency Management Services (EMS). Both the English and Japanese versions of SAC are now supported. When a server running Windows Server 2003 is connected to a Digi CM serial port, key SAC functions--normally accessed from the command line--are available from a graphical user interface (GUI). SAC features accessible from this interface include:
•Reset and shutdown
•Show performance values like memory utilization
•Show and configure IP settings per interface
•Show the process list and kill processes
Note: While the EMS port is available at all times using Telnet or SSH, the special GUI is available only while SAC is active.