Ethernet Type Value Either 8~63 ASCII characters, such as 012345678(or 64 Hexadecimal digits leading by 0x, such as "0x321253abcde...").
zIf you choose VLAN ID as QCE Type, you have to type the ID number for it and specify traffic class from Low, Normal, Medium and High.
zIf you choose TCP/UDP Port as QCE Type, you have to type the port number for it and specify traffic class from Low, Normal, Medium and High.
TCP/UDP Port | Click Single or Range. If you select Range, you have to type |
| in the starting port number and the end porting number on |
| the boxes below. |
TCP/UDP Port Range Type in the starting port number and the end porting number here if you choose Range as the type.
Vigor2750 Series User’s Guide | 65 |