38 | Chapter 5 Operating SCU |
2. Actual battery capacity
The monitoring module can approximately calculate the remaining battery capacity in real time. Through configuration at the host, the remaining battery capacity can be displayed in the mode of percentage, remaining Ah or remaining time, etc. The default is the percentage.
During the normal BC/FC management, the monitoring module regards the rated capacity as the capacity that each battery group can reach. When the battery discharges, the monitoring module will calculate the battery remaining capacity according to the discharge current, discharge time and the preset “battery discharge curve”. When the battery is being charged, the monitoring module will calculate the
AC information page
There is no AC data acquisition board in ACTURA Flex 48330 Power System,so the configuration of “AC Input” can only be set to “None”.
BC prompt and temperature information page
System Power:
Cyc BC After:
Bat. Temp:
Amb. Temp:
If the monitoring module bans BC and no temperature sensor is configured, this page will not be displayed.
The first line of the information page displays the BC prompts, which will be different with different systems, including:
1.Prompt the time of next Cyclic Boost according to the battery state
2.If BC is going on, the “Charging” will be prompted
3.If BC is disabled, this row will be empty
ACTURA Flex 48330 Power System User Manual