Programmed black Ink Cartridge with a Professional product, 70
Programmed color Ink Cartridge with a Professional product, 70
Queue, 175
RAM (Random Access Memory), 175 Rasterize, 175
Read the card Sensor, 50 Reboot, 175
recorded magnetic data, 127 Registration, 175 Regulatory Compliances, 20 replace Card Cartridge, 43 Replace empty Ink Cartridges, 70 Resident Font, 175 Resolution, 24, 175
retries, 121
RGB (Red/Green/Blue), 175 RHID technology, 48 Ribbon, 175
Ribbon / Cards, 5, 97, 142 Ribbon cable, 175 RMA number, 175 Roller, 176
rotate front by 180° Degrees, 110 Rotate Image 180°, 29
rotates image, 110 running out of ink, 89
safety issues, 5, 73, 97, 142 Safety Precautions, 6, 74, 98, 143 Saturation, 176
Send button, 41 Send Test window, 41 Sensor, 176 Service documents, 71 Shift Data Left, 31, 61
Shift Data Left option, 127 slotted Optical Sensor, 48, 49, 64
Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Smart electronic tag read cycle, 45 Software, 176
Software Drivers, 24 Software Installation CD, 99 Spare parts available, 71 special precautions, 5, 97, 142 Specifications, 20
Speed Mode, 69
SS(Start Sentinel), 176 SS, ES, FS, 132 Standard tools, 71 Start Sentinel (SS), 132
static electrical discharges, 144
Status Monitor dialog box and buttons, 80 Storage Temperature / Humidity, 24 Storing Card Cartridge, 38
Storing the Ink Cartridges, 34 String, 176
Supply Frequency, 24 Supply Voltage, 24 Surface mount, 176 Switch box, 176 System connections, 72 System Requirements, 24
Technical Specifications, 22, 23, 24 Technician Handbook, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72
Temp file, 176
Test and About buttons, 29, 60 Test Printer button, 41
Thermal Inkjet Printing, 38
TOF (Top of Form), 177 Top Cover, 12
Top Cover is open, 17, 56 Top Cover Open, 86
Top Cover Open During Print Recovery, 71
Track, 177
Track Information, 132
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 5.0) | 183 |