DMC-2X00 Chapter 6 Programming Motion y 45
PA 3000,0,_TN Move A and B to starting position, move C to initial tangent
BG ABC Start the move to get into position
AM ABC When the move is complete
SB0 Engage knife
WT50 Wait 50 msec for the knife to engage
BGS Do the circular cut
AMS After the coordinated move is complete
CB0 Disengage knife
EN End program
Coordinated Motion
Traverse the path shown in Fig. 6.3. Feed rate is 20000 counts/sec. Plane of motion is AB.
Instruction Interpretation
VM AB Specify motion plane
VS 20000 Specify vector speed
VA 1000000 Specify vector acceleration
VD 1000000 Specify vector deceleration
VP -4000,0 Segment AB
CR 1500,270,-180 Segment BC
VP 0,3000 Segment CD
CR 1500,90,-180 Segment DA
VE End of sequence
BGS Begin Sequence
The resulting motion starts at the point A and moves toward points B, C, D, A. Suppose that we
interrogate the controller when the motion is halfway between the points A and B.
The value of _AV is 2000
The value of _CS is 0
_VPA and _VPB contain the absolute coordinate of the point A
Suppose that the interrogation is repeated at a point, halfway between the points C and D.
The value of _AV is 4000+1500π+2000=10,712
The value of _CS is 2
_VPA,_VPB contain the coordinates of the point C