38 Chapter 6 Programming Motion DMC-2X00
Command Summary - Linear Interpolation
LM abcdefgh Specify axes for linear interpolation
LM? Returns number of available spaces for linear segments in DMC-2x00 sequence
buffer. Zero means buffer full. 512 means buffer empty.
LI a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h < n Specify incremental distances relative to current position, and assign vector speed n.
VS n Specify vector speed
VA n Specify vector acceleration
VD n Specify vector deceleration
VR n Specify the vector speed ratio
BGS Begin Linear Sequence
CS Clear sequence
LE Linear End- Required at end of LI command sequence
LE? Returns the length of the vector (resets after 2147483647)
AMS Trip point for After Sequence complete
AV n Trip point for After Relative Vector distance, n
VT S curve smoothing constant for vector moves
Operand Summary - Linear Interpolation
_AV Return distance traveled
_CS Segment counter - returns number of the segment in the sequence, starting at zero.
_LE Returns length of vector (resets after 2147483647)
_LM Returns number of available spaces for linear segments in DMC-2x00 sequence
buffer. Zero means buffer full. 512 means buffer empty.
_VPm Return the absolute coordinate of the last data point along the trajectory.
(m= A,B,C,D,E,F,G or H)
To illustrate the ability to interrogate the motion status, consider the first motion segment of our
example, #LMOVE, where the A axis moves toward the point A=5000. Suppose that when A=3000,
the controller is interrogated using the command ‘MG _AV’. The returned value will be 3000. The
value of _CS, _VPA and _VPB will be zero.
Now suppose that the interrogation is repeated at the second segment when B=2000. The value of
_AV at this point is 7000, _CS equals 1, _VPA=5000 and _VPB=0.
Example Linear Interpolation Motion
In this example, the AB system is required to perform a 90° turn. In order to slow the speed around
the corner, we use the AV 4000 trip point, which slows the speed to 1000 count/s. Once the motors
reach the corner, the speed is increased back to 4000 cts / s.
Instruction Interpretation
#LMOVE Label