34 Chapter 2 Getting Started DMC-2X00
Operation Under Torque Limit
The magnitude of the motor command may be limited independently by the instruction TL.
Instruction Interpretation
TL 0.2 Set output limit of A axis to 0.2 volts
JG 10000 Set A speed
BG A Start A motion
In this example, the A motor will probably not move since the output signal will not be sufficient to
overcome the friction. If the motion starts, it can be stopped easily by a touch of a finger.
Increase the torque level gradually by instructions such as
Instruction Interpretation
TL 1.0 Increase torque limit to 1 volt.
TL 9.998 Increase torque limit to maximum, 9.998 volts.
The maximum level of 9.998 volts provides the full output torque.
The values of the parameters may be interrogated. Some examples …
Instruction Interpretation
KP? Return gain of A axis
KP ,,? Return gain of C axis.
KP ?,?,?,? Return gains of all axes.
Many other parameters such as KI, KD, FA, can also be interrogated. The command reference denotes
all commands which can be interrogated.
Operation in the Buffer Mode
The instructions may be buffered before execution as shown below.
Instruction Interpretation
PR 600000 Distance
SP 10000 Speed
WT 10000 Wait 10000 milliseconds before reading the next instruction
BG A Start the motion
Using the On-Board Editor
Motion programs may be edited and stored in the controller’s on-board memory. When the command,
ED is given from the Galil DOS terminal (such as DMCTERM), the controllers editor will be started.
The instruction
ED Edit mode
moves the operation to the editor mode where the program may be written and edited. The editor
provides the line number. For example, in response to the first ED command, the first line is zero.