44 Chapter 6 Programming Motion DMC-2X00
VA n Specify vector acceleration along the sequence.
VD n Specify vector deceleration along the sequence.
VR n Specify vector speed ratio
BGS Begin motion sequence.
CS Clear sequence.
AV n Trip point for After Relative Vector distance, n.
AMS Holds execution of next command until Motion Sequence is complete.
TN m,n Tangent scale and offset.
ES m,n Ellipse scale factor.
VT S curve smoothing constant for coordinated moves
LM? Return number of available spaces for linear and circular segments in DMC-2x00
sequence buffer. Zero means buffer is full. 512 means buffer is empty.
Operand Summary - Coordinated Motion Sequence
operand Description
_VPM The absolute coordinate of the axes at the last intersection along the sequence.
_AV Distance traveled.
_LM Number of available spaces for linear and circular segments in DMC-2x00 sequence
buffer. Zero means buffer is full. 512 means buffer is empty.
_CS Segment counter - Number of the segment in the sequence, starting at zero.
_VE Vector length of coordinated move sequence.
When AV is used as an operand, _AV returns the distance traveled along the sequence.
The operands _VPA and _VPB can be used to return the coordinates of the last point specified along
the path.
Example Tangent Axis
Assume an AB table with the C-axis controlling a knife. The C-axis has a 2000 quad counts/rev
encoder and has been initialized after power-up to point the knife in the +B direction. A 180° circular
cut is desired, with a radius of 3000, center at the origin and a starting point at (3000,0). The motion is
CCW, ending at (-3000,0). Note that the 0° position in the AB plane is in the +A direction. This
corresponds to the position -500 in the Z-axis, and defines the offset. The motion has two parts. First,
A, B and C are driven to the starting point, and later, the cut is performed. Assume that the knife is
engaged with output bit 0.
Instruction Interpretation
#EXAMPLE Example program
VM ABC AB coordinate with C as tangent
TN 2000/360,-500 2000/360 counts/degree, position -500 is 0 degrees in AB plane
CR 3000,0,180 3000 count radius, start at 0 and go to 180 CCW
VE End vector
CB0 Disengage knife