114 Chapter 7 Application Programming DMC-2X00
Example- Set Bit and Clear Bit
Instruction Interpretation
SB6 Sets bit 6 of output port
CB4 Clears bit 4 of output port
Example- Output Bit
The Output Bit (OB) instruction is useful for setting or clearing outputs depending on the value of a
variable, array, input or expression. Any non-zero value results in a set bit.
Instruction Interpretation
OB1, POS Set Output 1 if the variable POS is non-zero. Clear Output 1 if
POS equals 0.
OB 2, @IN [1] Set Output 2 if Input 1 is high. If Input 1 is low, clear Output 2.
OB 3, @IN [1]&@IN [2] Set Output 3 only if Input 1 and Input 2 are high.
OB 4, COUNT [1] Set Output 4 if element 1 in the array COUNT is non-zero.
The output port can be set by specifying an 8-bit word using the instruction OP (Output Port). This
instruction allows a single command to define the state of the entire 8-bit output port, where 20 is
output 1, 21 is output 2 and so on. A 1 designates that the output is on.
Example- Output Port
Instruction Interpretation
OP6 Sets outputs 2 and 3 of output port to high. All other bits are 0. (21 + 22 =
OP0 Clears all bits of output port to zero
OP 255 Sets all bits of output port to one.
(22 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27)
The output port is useful for setting relays or controlling external switches and events during a motion
Example - Turn on output after move
Instruction Inter
PR 2000 Position Command
BG Begin
AM After move
SB1 Set Output 1
WT 1000 Wait 1000 msec
CB1 Clear Output 1
EN End
Digital Inputs
The general digital inputs for are accessed by using the @IN[n] function or the TI command. The
@IN[n] function returns the logic level of the specified input, n, where n is a number 1 through 96..