104 Chapter 7 Application Programming DMC-2X00

Command Summary - Automatic Data Capture

command description

RA n[],m[],o[],p[] Selects up to four arrays for data capture. The arrays must be defined with the
DM command.
RD type1,type2,type3,type4 Selects the type of data to be recorde d, where type1, type2, type3, and type 4
represent the various types of data (see table below). The order of data type is
important and corresponds with the order of n,m,o,p arrays in the RA command.
RC n,m The RC command begins data collection. Sets data capture time interval where
n is an integer between 1 and 8 and designates 2n msec between data. m is
optional and specifies the number of elements to be captured. If m is not
defined, the number of elements defaults to the smallest array defined by DM.
When m is a negative number, the recording is done continuously in a circular
manner. _RD is the recording pointer and indicates the address of the next array
element. n=0 stops recording.
RC? Returns a 0 or 1 where, 0 denotes not recording, 1 specifies recording in progress
Data Types for Recording:

data type description

_DEA 2nd encoder position (dual encoder)
_TPA Encoder position
_TEA Position error
_SHA Commanded position
_RLA Latched position
_TI Inputs
_OP Output
_TSA Switches (only bit 0-4 valid)
_SCA Stop code
_NOA Status bits
_TTA Torque (reports digital value +/-32544)
_AFA Analog Input (Letter corresponds to input, e.g. AFA = 1st Analog In, AFB=2nd
Analog In.)

NOTE: A may be replaced by B,C,D,E,F,G, or H for capturing data on other axes.

Operand Summary - Automatic Data Capture
_RC Returns a 0 or 1 where, 0 denotes not recording, 1 specifies recording in progress
_RD Returns address of next array element.
Example - Recording into an Array

Instruction Interpretation

#RECORD Begin program
DM apos[300],bpos[300] Define A,B position arrays
DM aerr[300],berr[300] Define A,B error arrays
RA apos [],aerr[],bpos[],berr[] Select arrays for capture
RD _TPA,_TEA,_TPB,_TEB Select data types