DMC-2X00 Chapter 6 Programming Motion y 67
SP16384; Set the speed
PR10000; Prepare mode of motion
BGX; Begin motion
JS#CORRECT; Move to correction
SP16384; Set the speed
PR-10000; Prepare mode of motion
BGX; Begin motion
JS#CORRECT; Move to correction
#CORRECT; Correction code
#LOOP; Save speed value
SP2048; Set a new slow correction speed
WT100; Stabilize
JP#END,@ABS[_QSX]<10; End correction if error is within defined tolerance
YRX=_QSX; Correction move
WT100; Stabilize
JP#LOOP; Keep correcting until error is within tolerance
#END; End #CORRECT subroutine, returning to code
Dual Loop (Auxiliary Encoder)
The DMC-2x00 provides an interface for a second encoder for each axis except for axes configured for
stepper motor operation and any axis used in circular compare. When used, the second encoder is
typically mounted on the motor or the load, but may be mounted in any position. The most common
use for the second encoder is backlash compensation, described below.
The second encoder may be a standard quadrature type, or it may provide pulse and direction. The
controller also offers the provision for inverting the direction of the encoder rotation. The main and
the auxiliary encoders are configured with the CE command. The command form is CE a,b,c,d (or
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h for controllers with more than 4 axes) where the parameters a,b,c,d each equal the sum
of two integers m and n. m configures the main encoder and n configures the auxiliary encoder.
NOTE: This operation is not available for axes configured for stepper motors.