96 Chapter 7 Application Programming DMC-2X00
EN End main program
#COMINT Interrupt Routine
JP #STOP,P2CH="0" Check for S (stop motion)
JP #PAUSE,P2CH="1" Check for P (pause motion)
JP #RESUME,P2CH="2" Check for R (resume motion)
EN1,1 Do nothing
#STOP Routine for stopping motion
STA;ZS;EN Stop motion on A axis; Zero program stack; End
#PAUSE Routine for pausing motion
rate=_SPA Save current speed setting of A axis motion
SPA=0 Set speed of A axis to zero (allows for pause)
EN1,1 Re-enable trip-point and communication interrupt
#RESUME Routine for resuming motion
SPA=rate Set speed on A axis to original speed
EN1,1 Re-enable trip-point and communication interrupt
For additional information, see section on page.
Example – Ethernet Communication Error
This simple program executes in the DMC-2100/2200 and indicates (via the serial port) when a
communication handle fails. By monitoring the serial port, the user can re-establish communication if
Instruction Interpretation
#LOOP Simple program loop
#TCPERR Ethernet communication error auto routine
MG {P1}_IA4 Send message to serial port indicating which handle
did not receive proper acknowledgment.