94 Chapter 7 Application Programming DMC-2X00
TW 1000 Set the time out to 1000 ms
PA 10000 Position Absolute command
BGA Begin motion
MCA Motion Complete trip point
EN End main program
#MCTIME Motion Complete Subroutine
MG “A fell short” Send out a message
EN End subroutine
This simple program will issue the message “A fell short” if the A axis does not reach the commanded
position within 1 second of the end of the profiled move.
Example - Command Error
Instruction Interpretation
#BEGIN Begin main program
IN "ENTER SPEED", speed Prompt for speed
JG speed;BGA Begin motion
JP #BEGIN Repeat
EN End main program
#CMDERR Command error utility
JP#DONE,_ED<>2 Check if error on line 2
JP#DONE,_TC<>6 Check if out of range
MG "SPEED TOO HIGH" Send message
MG "TRY AGAIN" Send message
ZS1 Adjust stack
JP #BEGIN Return to main program
#DONE End program if other error
ZS0 Zero stack
EN End program
The above program prompts the operator to enter a jog speed. If the operator enters a number out of
range (greater than 8 million), the #CMDERR routine will be executed prompting the operator to enter
a new number.
In multitasking applications, there is an alternate method for handling command errors from different
threads. Using the XQ command along with the special operands described below allows the
controller to either skip or retry invalid commands.
_ED1 Returns the number of the thread that generated an error
_ED2 Retry failed command (operand contains the location of the failed command)
_ED3 Skip failed command (operand contains the location of the command after the failed
The operands are used with the XQ command in the following format:
XQ _ED2 (or _ED3),_ED1,1