DMC-2X00 Chapter 7 Application Programming y 93
Now, when a forward limit switch occurs on the A axis, the #LIMSWI subroutine will be executed
Notes regarding the #LIMSWI Routine:
1) The RE command is used to return from the #LIMSWI subroutine.
2) The #LIMSWI subroutine will be re-executed if the limit switch remains active.
The #LIMSWI routine is only executed when the motor is being commanded to move.
Example - Position Error
Instruction Interpretation
:ED Edit Mode
000 #LOOP Dummy Program
001 JP #LOOP;EN Loop
002 #POSERR Position Error Routine
003 v1=_TEA Read Position Error
005 MG "ERROR=",v1= Print Error
006 RE Return from Error
<control> Q Quit Edit Mode
:XQ #LOOP Execute Dummy Program
:JG 100000 Jog at High Speed
:BGX Begin Motion
Example - Input Interrupt
Instruction Interpretation
#A Label
II1 Input Interrupt on 1
JG 30000,,,60000 Jog
BGAD Begin Motion
#ININT Input Interrupt
STAD;AM Stop Motion
#TEST;JP #TEST, @IN[1]=0 Test for Input 1 still low
JG 30000,,,6000 Restore Velocities
BGAD Begin motion
RI0 Return from interrupt routine to Main Program and do not re-
enable trippoints
Example - Motion Complete Timeout
Instruction Interpretation
#BEGIN Begin main program