DMC-2X00 Chapter 7 Application Programming y 85
Example- Multiple Move Sequence
The AM trip point is used to separate the two PR moves. If AM is not used, the controller returns a ?
for the second PR command because a new PR cannot be given until motion is complete.
Instruction Interpretation
PR 2000 Position Command
BGA Begin Motion
AMA Wait for Motion Complete
PR 4000 Next Position Move
BGA Begin 2nd move
EN End program
Example- Set Output after Distance
Set output bit 1 after a distance of 1000 counts from the start of the move. The accuracy of the trip
point is the speed multiplied by the sample period.
Instruction Interpretation
SP 10000 Speed is 10000
PA 20000 Specify Absolute position
BGA Begin motion
AD 1000 Wait until 1000 counts
SB1 Set output bit 1
EN End program
Example- Repetitive Position Trigger
To set the output bit every 10000 counts during a move, the AR is used as shown in the next example.
Instruction Interpretation
#TRIP Label
JG 50000 Specify Jog Speed
BGA;n=0 Begin Motion
#REPEAT # Repeat Loop
AR 10000 Wait 10000 counts
TPA Tell Position
SB1 Set output 1
WT50 Wait 50 msec
CB1 Clear output 1
n=n+1 Increment counter
JP #REPEAT,n<5 Repeat 5 times
STA Stop
EN End
Example - Start Motion on Input
This example waits for input 1 to go low and then starts motion.