60 Chapter 6 Programming Motion DMC-2X00
SHA Servo Here
WT1000 Wait 1 sec (1000 msec)
CMA Specify contour mode on A axis
DT2 Set contour data rate to be 22 msec
i=0 Set array index to 0
#LOOP3 Subroutine to execute contour points
CD dx[i];WC Contour data command; Wait for next contour point
i=i+1 Update index
JP#LOOP3,i<500 Continue until all array elements have been executed
DT0 Set contour update rate to 0
CD0 Disable the contour mode (combination of DT0 and CD0)
EN End program
For additional information about automatic array capture, see Chapter 7, Arrays.
Virtual Axis
The DMC-2x00 controller has an additional virtual axis designated as the N axis. This axis has no
encoder and no DAC. However, it can be commanded by the commands:
The main use of the virtual axis is to serve as a virtual master in ECAM modes, and to perform an
unnecessary part of a vector mode. These applications are illustrated by the following examples.

Ecam master example

Suppose that the motion of the AB axes is constrained along a path that can be described by an
electronic cam table. Further assume that the ecam master is not an external encoder but has to be a
controlled variable.
This can be achieved by defining the N axis as the master with the command EAN and setting the
modulo of the master with a command such as EMN= 4000. Next, the table is constructed. To move
the constrained axes, simply command the N axis in the jog mode or with the PR and PA commands.
For example,
PAN = 2000
will cause the AB axes to move to the corresponding points on the motion cycle.

Sinusoidal Motion Example

The x axis must perform a sinusoidal motion of 10 cycles with an amplitude of 1000 counts and a
frequency of 20 Hz.
This can be performed by commanding the A and N axes to perform circular motion. Note that the
value of VS must be
VS = 2π * R * F
where R is the radius, (amplitude) and F is the frequency in Hz.
Set VA and VD to maximum values for the fastest acceleration.