DMC-2X00 Chapter 2 Getting Started y 33
The position error, which is the difference between the commanded position and the actual position
can be interrogated with the instruction TE.
Instruction Interpretation
TE Tell error
all axes
TE A Tell error
A axis only
TE B Tell error
B axis only
TE C Tell error
C axis only
TE D Tell error
D axis only
Absolute Position
Objective: Command motion by specifying the absolute position.
Instruction Interpretation
DP 0,2000 Define the current positions of A,B as 0 and 2000
PA 7000,4000 Sets the desired absolute positions
BG A Start A motion
BG B Start B motion
After both motions are complete, the A and B axes can be command back to zero:
PA 0,0 Move to 0,0
BG AB Start both motions
Velocity Control
Objective: Drive the A and B motors at specified speeds.
Instruction Interpretation
JG 10000,-20000 Set Jog Speeds and Directions
AC 100000, 40000 Set accelerations
DC 50000,50000 Set decelerations
BG AB Start motion
after a few seconds, command:
JG -40000 New A speed and Direction
TV A Returns A speed
and then
JG ,20000 New B speed
TV B Returns B speed
These cause velocity changes including direction reversal. The motion can be stopped with the
ST Stop