DMC-2X00 Chapter 7 Application Programming y 111
Using the PF Command to Format Response from Interrogation Commands
The command, PF, can change format of the values returned by theses interrogation commands:
BL ? LE ?
DE ? PA ?
DP ? PR ?
EM ? TN ?
FL ? VE ?
The numeric values may be formatted in decimal or hexadecimal with a specified number of digits to
the right and left of the decimal point using the PF command.
Position Format is specified by:
PF m.n
where m is the number of digits to the left of the decimal point (0 thru 10) and n is the number of digits
to the right of the decimal point (0 thru 4) A negative sign for m specifies hexadecimal format.
Hex values are returned preceded by a $ and in 2's complement. Hex values should be input as signed
2's complement, where negative numbers have a negative sign. The default format is PF 10.0.
If the number of decimal places specified by PF is less than the actual value, a nine appears in all the
decimal places.
Instruction Interpretation
:DP21 Define position
:TPA Tell position
0000000021 Default format
:PF4 Change format to 4 places
:TPA Tell position
0021 New format
:PF-4 Change to hexadecimal format
:TPA Tell Position
$0015 Hexadecimal value
:PF2 Format 2 places
:TPA Tell Position
99 Returns 99 if position greater than 99
Removing Leading Zeros from Response to Interrogation Commands
The leading zeros on data returned as a response to interrogation commands can be removed by the use
of the command, LZ.
LZ0 Disables the LZ function
TP Tell Position Interrogation Command
-0000000009, 0000000005 Response (With Leading Zeros)