116 Chapter 7 Application Programming DMC-2X00
after the execution of the #ININT subroutine, the Zero Stack (ZS) command is used followed by
unconditional jump statements.
Important: Use the RI command (not EN) to return from the #ININT subroutine.
Example - Input Interrupt
Instruction Interpretation
#A Label #A
II 1 Enable input 1 for interrupt function
JG 30000,-20000 Set speeds on A and B axes
BG AB Begin motion on A and B axes
#B Label #B
TP AB Report A and B axes positions
WT 1000 Wait 1000 milliseconds
JP #B Jump to #B
EN End of program
#ININT Interrupt subroutine
MG "Interrupt has occurred" Displays the message
ST AB Stops motion on A and B axes
#LOOP;JP #LOOP,@IN[1]=0 Loop until Interrupt cleared
JG 15000,10000 Specify new speeds
WT 300 Wait 300 milliseconds
BG AB Begin motion on A and B axes
RI Return from Interrupt subroutine
Analog Inputs
The DMC-2x00 provides eight analog inputs. The value of these inputs in volts may be read using the
@AN[n] function where n is the analog input 1 through 8. The resolution of the Analog-to-Digital
conversion is 12 bits (16-bit ADC is available as an option). Analog inputs are useful for reading
special sensors such as temperature, tension or pressure.
The following examples show programs which cause the motor to follow an analog signal. The first
example is a point-to-point move. The second example shows a continuous move.
Example - Position Follower (Point-to-Point)
Objective - The motor must follow an analog signal. When the analog signal varies by 10V, motor
must move 10000 counts.
Method: Read the analog input and command A to move to that point.
Instruction Interpretation
SP 7000 Speed
AC 80000;DC 80000 Acceleration
VP=@AN[1]*1000 Read and analog input, compute position