Using a Web Browser Appendix C
C.1 Accessing the HTTP Server Screens
Menu Options
System Displays various information regarding the configura- tion of the printer including options, trays and memory capacity.
Job Info Allows you to manage the print jobs that are being pro- cessed by the printer.
Printer Allows you to specify all of the basic settings of the printer.
Network Allows you to specify all of the basic settings of the NIC.
•The contents of this manual explain the settings of the NIC only. Please see the PageScope Light Manual for other references.
4.Jump to the Network page by clicking Network the last item to the right on the top menu. For details, see C1.1 Network page.
•By pointing your browser to the URL below, it is possible to enter set- tings exclusively for the NIC.
http://<NIC IP address>/nic/
For example, you would input the following if your NIC has the IP address
However, the top menu will not appear when using this procedure and the System, Job Info and Printer menu items will be unavailable.