Printer control panel messages (continued)
Message | Description | Recommended action | |
[FS | ] FILE | The requested operation could not | No action required. |
OPERATION FAILED | be performed. You might have |
| |
| attempted an illegal operation, such |
| as trying to download a file to a non- |
| existent directory. |
[FS | ] FILE | The hard disk, flash DIMM, or RAM | Delete files from the device. |
SYSTEM | IS FULL | disk is full. | Use HP Resource Manager to |
| download or delete files and |
| fonts. (See the software help |
| for more information.) |
[FS | ] IS | The hard disk, flash DIMM, or RAM | Disable the write protection |
WRITE PROTECTED | disk is protected and no new files | through HP Resource | |
| can be written to it. | Manager. |
[FS | ] NOT | The hard disk, flash DIMM, or RAM | |
INITIALIZED | disk has been initialized by another | HP Resource manager or | |
| HP printer product. | HP Web JetAdmin (see the |
| online help for more |
| information). |
| |
FUSER LIFE LOW | The fuser is near the end of its | Order a replacement fuser kit, | |
ORDER KIT | expected life. | and continue printing. See | |
| “Printer supplies and |
| accessories” on page 31. |
| |
FUSER LIFE OUT | The fuser has reached the end of its | Replace the fuser kit. | |
REPLACE KIT | expected life. See “Printer supplies |
| |
| and accessories” on page 31. |
| |
INCORRECT PIN | The personal identification number | ||
PLEASE TRY AGAIN | (PIN) was not entered correctly. |
| |
| |
INITIALIZING | This message is displayed when the | No action required. | |
| printer is initially turned on. |
| |
INSTALL [COLOR] | The color toner cartridge indicated | The toner cartridge has been | |
| has been removed. | removed and must be replaced |
| for printing to continue. |
| The drum kit is not installed or is | Verify that the drum kit is |
DRUM KIT | incorrectly installed. | correctly installed. | |
| |
INSTALL TRAY | Tray 2 is not installed or is not | Verify that Tray 2 is completely | |
| completely closed, preventing | closed. |
| media from being printed from |
| Tray 3. |
| |
INTERRUPTING JOB | The print job currently processing is | No action required. | |
PLEASE WAIT | being interrupted by a higher priority |
| |
| print job. |
156 Printer control panel messages | EN |