Sets and queries the manual frequency. This controls the output frequency in swept manual mode. The limits are START and STOP. *RST value is the same as FREQ : CENTER. See FREQ : CENTER for more information.
Sets and queries the switch that selects either swept, CW or list operation. *RST value is CW.
•FREQuency:MULTiplier <num>lMAXimumlMINimum
•FREQuency:MULTiplier? [MAXimumlMINimum]
Sets and queries the frequency multiplier. The numeric value is rounded to the nearest integer. This function changes mapping of frequency parameters on input to and output from the synthesizer. Changing this does not affect the output frequency of the synthesizer. Only the displayed parameters and query responses are changed.
The equation implied by this is :
Entered/displayed frequency = (Hardware Freq * Multiplier ) $
After *RST, the value is 1.
•FREQuency:MULTiplier:STATe ONlOFFlllO
Queries and turns the frequency multiplier off and on.
After *RST, the setting is OFF.
•FREQuency:OFFSet <num>lMAXimumlMINimum
•FREQuency:OFFSet? [MAXimumlMINimum]
Sets and queries the frequency offset. This function changes the mapping of the frequency parameters on input to and output from the synthesizer. Changing this does not affect the output frequency of the synthesizer. Only the displayed parameters and query responses are changed. The equation implied by this is :
Entered/displayed frequency = (Hardware Freq * Multiplier ) +
After ‘RST, the value is 0.
Queries and turns the frequency offset off and on.
After *RST, the setting is OFF.
•FREQuency : SPAN <num> [f req suffix]lMAXimumlMINimumlUPlDOWN
•FREQuency:SPAN? [MAXimumlMINimuml
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