job that is sent when the mopier is disabled loses the advantage of transmitting the print job once, because the job is sent through the network for each collated copy.
Mopier mode and collation
Mopying and collating print jobs are independent but closely related functions. Mopying, the ability to send original print jobs to the product, is performed by the print driver. Collating can be controlled by either the print driver or the document software program. The mopying mode is selected by default in the driver, and can be disabled by changing the Mopier Mode setting on the Device Settings tab to Disabled.
Control collation through the print driver by selecting or clearing the Collated check box on the Advanced tab. Click Copy Count under the Paper Output setting. You can clear the check box, which is available only when the Copy Count option is set to more than 1 copy, to allow the software program to control collation.
To receive uncollated multiple copies of a print job, you must clear the Collated check box and make sure that the software program collation feature is not selected.
The following table shows the relation between mopier mode settings and collation settings in the software program and the driver. The first three columns show the settings; the last column, "Expected result", shows how a
Table 4-4 Driver mopier mode and collation settings
Mopier mode | Application collation | Driver collation | Expected result |
Disabled | Not selected | Not selected | 3 copies uncollated |
Disabled | Not selected | Selected | 3 copies uncollated |
Disabled | Selected | Not selected | 3 copies collated |
Disabled | Selected | Selected | 3 copies collated |
Enabled | Not selected | Not selected | 3 copies uncollated |
Enabled | Not selected | Selected | 3 copies uncollated |
Enabled | Selected | Not selected | 3 copies collated |
Enabled | Selected | Selected | 3 copies collated |
ENWW | Device Settings tab features 103 |