Receive-fax messages
Table 4-2 Receive-fax messages
Message | Error No. | Description | Action(s) |
Success | n/a | Fax received ok. | None. |
Blocked | n/a | Fax reception was blocked by | None. |
| receiving fax machine using |
| blocked number feature. |
Modem Fail | Any | Unexpected or bad response |
| from the internal modem to |
| the MFP - example is trying to |
| send a fax just as another fax |
| is arriving. |
Have fax resent; if the error persists, contact service.
Communication Error | 17, 36 | Lost telephone connection or | Have the sender resend the |
| interruption between sender/ | fax (if the sending machine |
| receiver. | does not automatically retry). |
Communication Error | Any besides 17 or 36 | General communications |
| issue where the fax |
| transmission was interrupted |
| or did not proceed as |
| expected. |
Have fax resent; if the error persists, contact service.
Space Fail | 0 | Unable to read or write image |
| file to disk; could be corrupt |
| MFP disk or no space on disk. |
Have fax resent; if the error persists, contact service.
Page Fail | 0 | Incompatible page width or | Have fax resent; if the error |
| page had too many bad lines. | persists, contact service. |
Memory Error | 0 | Out of RAM memory on MFP. | If error persists, may need to |
| add additional RAM memory |
| to MFP. |
Compression Error | 0 | Corrupted fax - the received | Have fax resent; enable ECM |
| image file cannot be decoded. | (Error Correction Mode) if not |
| already. |
Print Fail | 0 | Corrupted fax - the received | Have fax resent; enable ECM |
| image file cannot be decoded. | (Error Correction Mode) if not |
| already. |
Poll Invalid | 0 | The fax polling feature |
| attempted to retrieve a fax |
from another machine but no fax was available.
Contact the administrator of the fax machine being polled and verify a fax is available, and then retry.
Job Fail | Any | Fax failure; this includes all | Have fax resent; if the error |
| persists, contact service. | |
Power Failure | 0 | A power failure occurred | Have the sender resend the |
| during the fax reception. | fax. |
No Fax Detected | 17, 36 | A voice call was made to the | None |
| fax. |
108 Chapter 4 Solve fax problems | ENWW |