Modem and Networking
By default, the only location setting available to your modem is a location setting for the country in which you purchased the notebook. As you add new location settings, they are saved by your notebook so that you can switch among the settings at any time. You can add multiple location settings for any country.
ÄCAUTION: To prevent the loss of your default modem location setting, which is typically includes the country setting for your home country, do not delete your default modem location setting. The following procedure explains how to add new location setttings without deleting any existing location settings.
To add a location setting for your modem:
1.Select Start > Control Panel > Printers and Other
Hardware > Phone and Modem Options.
2.Select the Dialing Rules tab.
3.Select New. (The New Location dialog box is displayed.)
4.Type a name for the new location setting in the Location name text field.
5.Select a country or region from the Country/region
6.To save your new location setting, select OK. (The Dialing Rules window is displayed.) Then:
❏To set your new location setting as the current location setting, select OK.
❏To select another location setting as the current location setting, select your preference from the settings in the Location list, and then select OK.
✎You can use the preceding procedure to add location settings for places within your own country as well as places in other countries. For example, you could add a setting named “Work” that includes dialing rules for accessing an outside line.
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