RC3000 Antenna Controller | Chapter 2 | Installation |
Azimuth/Elevation/Polarization Calibration. The next three steps calibrate the mount’s elevation, azimuth and polarization axes. Place the RC3000 in MANUAL mode. Values for the azimuth, elevation and polarization axes should be displayed, though they may not be reasonable since calibration has not yet been performed.
For each axis, limit switch status will be confirmed, position feedback will be calibrated and total range of movement will be tested.
NOTE: be careful when initially moving a mount since limit switches may not yet be configured correctly. In MANUAL mode, movement will stop whenever a particular jog key is released. The RC3000 may also always be turned off to stop movement.
Throughout the 3 axis’ calibration procedures, two MAINTENANCE screens will be used extensively.
One of the MAINTENANCE screens used is the Analog to Digital Voltage screen (see This screen shows raw data coming from antenna position sensors (potentiometers and resolvers).
AZ: | 1.114 | 181.30 | 33004 | AD VOLTAGES | |
EL: | 1.143 | 1 122.30 | 22264 | 22.3 | L1:1 |
POL:2.237 | 181.30 | 33044 |
| L2:1 |
SIG: 3.756(1) <1>RF <2>SS1 <3>SS2 <4>GND
Another MAINTENANCE screen that will be used is the Limits Maintenance screen ( see This screen shows the current sensed state of limit switches for all three axes.
AZIM CW:0 | CCW:1 | STOW:0 | LIMITS | |
ELEV UP:1 | DN:1 | STOW:1 (1- ON) | ACTIVE | |
POL CW:0 | CCW:1 | STOW:0 |
Before beginning axes calibration, the installer should become familiar with accessing these screens.