RC3000 Antenna Controller | Chapter 3 | Detailed Operation | Waveguide Switch
For mounts equipped with the optional waveguide switch control module, manual control of the waveguide switch may be initiated via the MANUAL mode.
NOTE: The WAVEGUIDE SWITCH configuration item on the System Definition screen ( must be set in order for software to allow the changing of the waveguide switch position from the Manual mode.
When a waveguide switch is present, the Manual mode screen appears as shown below:
AZIM: | 0.0 | STOW | SS1: 50 | MANUAL | |
| |
POL: | 30.0 | V | SPD:FAST WAVE:H | CST | |
| <MODE>MENU | 14:25:47 |
This field shows the currently sensed position of the waveguide switch. “H” denotes the horizontal position, “V” the vertical, “?” indicates that neither position is sensed and “*” indicates that both H and V are sensed (probably an error condition).
Pressing the BKSP button will toggle the switch position. During the switch transition, a “+” will be displayed when going to the H position and a