RC3000 Antenna Controller | Chapter 3 | Detailed Operation | VSAT Mode
INTRODUCTION This section details operations of the RC3000’s “VSAT” mode.
VSAT mode is intended to be used when the following conditions exist:
1)the mobile satellite terminal is to be run by operators with limited or no satellite communication training or experience
2)the same satellite and the same polarization orientation are to be used
3)the RC3000 is equipped with a GPS receiver and Fluxgate compass to allow automatic calculation of the satellite pointing solution
VSAT mode limits the RC3000 functions that the operator may perform to LOCATE and STOW. To perform other functions or to change operating parameters, expert access permission must be established and the RC3000 must be taken out of VSAT mode.
NOTE: VSAT “mode” refers to the overall functioning of the RC3000. VSAT is not a mode in the same sense as MANUAL, LOCATE, TRACK, etc. are modes.
VSAT mode should not be entered until the RC3000 has been well calibrated with the antenna and receiving systems. VSAT mode requires that the LOCATE and STOW modes consistently work well.
In order to achieve good performance, ensure that:
1)the azimuth, elevation and polarization axes are well calibrated
2)the Fluxgate calibration procedure as been performed and yields good results
3)the source of signal strength has been well calibrated
Before entering VSAT mode, the satellite to be used and the polarization orientation (Horizontal, Vertical or None) has been selected as part of a completed LOCATE function.
VSAT mode is selected from the SYSTEM DEFINITION configuration screen (
GPS: 1 |
| ||
MODE: | 2 |
When the value of 4 is entered for the MODE item, the RC3000 will enter VSAT “mode”.
When VSAT mode is entered, expert access permission ( is set to NORMAL. This in itself will prevent the operator from accessing most configuration items and some functions of the RC3000. VSAT mode will further limit operator actions as now described.
After VSAT mode is entered, the RC3000 switches to the MENU screen. The following describes VSAT mode operation by showing a typical sequence of events.