RC3000 Antenna Controller | Chapter 3 | Detailed Operation | Analog to Digital Voltage
The AD VOLTAGES maintenance screen shows the current voltage levels sensed at the microcontroller’s 4 analog to digital inputs. The voltage will be displayed in the 0.001 to 5.000 range. If the microcontroller sees less than 0.001, it will display “UNDER”.
Note that all of the analog to digital channels have some associated scaling and conditioning circuitry in the RC3000. Therefore the voltages seen at this screen will not be exactly the same as the input voltages external to the RC3000.
AZ: | 1.114 |
EL: | 1.143 | 1 | L1:1 |
| L2:0 |
SIG: 3.756(1) <1>RF <2>SS1 <3>SS2 <4>AUX
AZ: / EL: / POL:
The first three A/D channels are dedicated to the azimuth, elevation and polarization position sensing inputs.
Next to the elevation voltage is displayed a 0 or 1. 0 means the elevation sensor circuit is currently operating in the “low” region while 1 indicates it is operating in the “high” region.
The fourth channel (signal strength) is multiplexed between four sources (autopeak RF, signal strengths 1 and 2 and an auxiliary input). Pressing keys
On first generation controllers, the signal source # 4 is tied to ground and should indicate a value close to 0.000 (maybe UNDER). On second generation controllers, this input may be used for other signals (see your appendix B).
L1: / L2:
These fields show the status of the signal lock 1 and 2 inputs. A logic high signal is indicated by a “1”.
If a particular mount implements resolver sensors, this screen will also shows “raw resolver” angles and counts.
AZ: | 1.114 | 181.30 | 33004 | AD VOLTAGES | |
EL: | 1.143 | 1 122.30 | 22264 | 22.3 | L1:1 |
POL:2.237 | 181.30 | 33044 |
| L2:0 |
SIG: 3.756(1) <1>RF <2>SS1 <3>SS2 <4>GND
The azimuth, elevation and polarization resolver angles and counts displayed are read directly from the resolvers without being biased by offset terms. The displayed values will though reflect if the azimuth, elevation or polarization resolver polarity has been reversed.
As an aid in calibrating the elevation resolver, the angle resulting from applying offset a reverse factors is also displayed on the EL: line.