Chapter 2. Installing the storage subsystem
This chapter provides the information about installing the storage subsystem into a rack cabinet.
Before you begin the installation, review the safety information in “Safety” on page xi and “Handling
“Installation overview” on page 18 provides an overview of the entire DS3200 installation process. Read this overview before you begin the installation.
Inventory checklist
After you unpack the DS3200, make sure that you have the following items. Depending on your DS3200 order, your shipping box might contain additional materials that are not in the following list.
–Hard disk drive filler panels (12) (Your storage subsystem might come with up to 12 hard disk drives.)
–RAID controllers (up to 2)
–Power supplies (2)
–Power cables (2 jumper line cords)
-Rails (2) (right and left assembly)
-Rail end plate covers (2) (right and left assembly)
-M5 black
-Washers (8)
Attention: The DS3200 does not come with
vSoftware and documentation
–IBM System Storage DS3000 Support CD
The support CD contains the IBM DS3000 Storage Manager Version 2 host software. The CD also includes firmware, online help, and the following documentation in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF):
-IBM System Storage DS3200 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and Maintenance Guide (this document)
-IBM System Storage DS3000 Storage Manager Version 2 Installation and Support Guide for your operating system
-IBM Systems Safety Notices
–IBM System Storage DS3200, DS3300, and DS3400 Quick Installation Guide
–Rack Installation Instructions
Instructions for installing the DS3200 in a rack cabinet are provided in the Rack Installation Instructions document.
–Box of ID labels (used to label the enclosure IDs on the front of the DS3200)
If you ordered additional premium features or entitlements, the premium features activation or entitlement kits might also come inside the box.
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