Gateway IP Address
Enter the Logical or Internet Address of the router. The Gateway IP Address will only be saved when DHCP is disabled. The IP is entered as a dotted IP, (e.g.,
Subnet Mask
Enter the logical or Internet address of the host’s subnet. The server uses this to decide if the alert destination is in the local subnet or in another subnet relative to the server. The Subnet Mask will only be saved when DHCP is disabled. The IP is entered as a dotted IP, e.g.,
Alert IP Address
Enter the logical or Internet address of the
•Save: Allows you to save the configuration immediately.
•Close: Allows you to close the BMC
•Help: Displays help information.
Platform Event Action Dialog
These similar dialogs allow you to configure the Platform Event Action features for PEP and BLA (See Figure 43). If an event is in the enabled listbox, it will generate the appropriate action when it occurs. If an event is in the disabled listbox, it will not generate an action when it occurs. Enable global action for events to generate actions. This global flag is in the PEP or BLA dialogs as ‘Enable PEP’ or ‘Enable BLA’ checkboxes.
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