This menu configures passwords and security functions.
"Supervisor Password is
(Read-Only)Displays whether the supervisor pass- word is enabled, giving full access to setup menus.
"User Password is
(Read-Only)Displays whether the user password is enabled, giving restricted access to setup menus.
"Password on boot:
When enabled, enter a User or Supervisor password at the end of the post or the system is disabled (default).
"Power Management Security:
(Read-Only)Enabling this feature requires a pass- word during the resume process.
"Diskette access:
(Read-Only)Denotes if both the User and the Super- visor can use the floppy drive, or just the Supervisor.
"Fixed disk boot sector:
Allows the boot sector to write-protect the hard drive from viruses — Normal (default) or Write-protect.
6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference 8-9