SECTION 2 | Toolkit for the 6620 Computer |
"CDPD Radio Support (Optional)
CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data) Radio drivers (CDPD.VXD and NPCCARD.VXD) are installed into the C:\Windows\System directory and assists in
"CDPD Radio Diskettes (Optional)
The contents of the CDPD Radio disks can be copied to four floppy disks (clean disks as the A:\ drive is not formatted) or to a subdirectory of your choice. These files will install the “Sierra Wireless Expert” and “Watcher” applications onto your 6620 Computer. See Section 9 for more information.
"Internal Scanner Driver (Optional) PODSCAN.DRV (internal scanner driver) files are installed into the C:\Windows\System directory. See page
6620 Support Files
Serial number, Ethernet EEPROM, nonvolatile data programmer.
662NVPRM (no parameters)
User is prompted for necessary information.
ATA duplication utility.
ATACOPY (no parameters)
The SOURCE ATA must be booted from slot 0. The TARGET ATA must be in slot 1.