GDI Printer Feature



Windows 3.1


On the Program Manager window, click Main - Control Panel - Printers.


On the Control Panel Printers window, click Add >>.


In the Printers pop-up window, select Install Unlisted or Updated Printer.


Click Install.


Insert the printer driver disk into the disk drive.


Click Browse.


On the Browse window, select the \win31 folder.


Click OK. The Install Driver window appears.


Click OK.


The Add Unlisted or Updated Printer window appears. Highlight the 2002 printer



11 Click OK. Windows 3.1 copies all the necessary files to the hard drive and loads the new printer driver.

During the file copy process, an Install Driver dialog may appear and instruct you to insert the original Windows 3.1 installation disk to load some required files. The requested files may be in your Windows system already. To find out, click the Browse button on the Install Driver window, then direct Windows to search for the files in the system directory. If the requested files are not found, insert the Windows 3.1 installation disk and instruct the Install Driver dialog to search the disk for the files. If the requested files are already in the system, choose Browse and specify the system directory (ex.: c:\windows\system).

12 Click the Connect button. On the Connect window, select the communication port to which you connected the printer device.

13 If you are using a parallel port, the installation is complete.

PC Printing & Scanning

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