Chapter 6: Logging Onto a Magnum Router
Modem Connection Cabling
To connect a Modem to the Magnum Router, some preparation is required to ensure that the Modem and the Magnum Router communicate properly.
The external modem must be a Hayes compatible type (responds to the AT command set) in order for a modem connection to be established.
First, attach a cable from a PC or a dumb terminal to the modem.
If using a PC, start a terminal program. Any terminal program such as Hyperterminal or the terminal program of the Magnum Router Manager will perform the task.
Set the baud rate of the terminal program to 9600, the stop bits to 1, parity to none, and the bit size to 8 (more commonly know as 9600,n,8,1).
Type in AT and press enter, the modem should respond with OK
Type AT&F&W and press Enter. The modem should respond with OK.
If it fails to respond, check the cable connection and check the modem to see if dipswitch settings need to be changed. Consult the modem manual or vendor if necessary for assistance.
Type the command string AT&D2&S1&C1&K0Q1E1S0=1&W and press Enter.
Below is a definition of the AT commands that is recommended: &D2 Modem hangs up call if DTR drops
&S1 Modem drops DSR if carrier is lost &C1 Modem drops DCD if carrier is lost &K0 Modem flow control disabled _
Q1 Modem will not send result codes
E1 Modem will echo when in command state S0=1 Modem will answer after 1 ring
&W Modem configuration is retained even if the modem loses power.
If your modem uses a different command for this function, you will need to substitute the appropriate command in its place.
After completing the above steps, disconnect the PC or dumb terminal from the modem and then connect the supplied
This same command string will work if a Marathon Matrix connection is to be used in conjunction with modem access to a Magnum Router, although a second modem cable will be required to connect the Marathon base unit to the console port of the Magnum Router.
This completes the initial cabling of the Magnum Router. The next section covers the
actual login process.