Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager
The Input and Output port fields of the WAN Configuration screen define the physical ports of the Magnum Router.
The Private and Public DLCI fields define the DLCI
The CIR is the Committed Information Rate of the circuit; the Frame Relay provider supplies this.
The Non Virtual DLCI checkbox is a special configuration command that is clarified in chapter 8.
Notes allows for a note regarding the entry. Each entry can have it’s own note, and each note can be up to 1,024 characters in length.
Adding a WAN Configuration Entry
To add an entry in the Master
1.Begin by clicking on the New Entry button, or by pressing
2.Select the Input Port from those available in the drop down list box.
3.Select the Output Port from the dropdown box.
4.Enter the Private DLCI
5.Enter the Public DLCI
6.Enter the CIR for this connection
7.Select Non Virtual DLCI if required.
8.Click on the Save Edit, or press
9.Click on the Exit Edit, or press
Changing a WAN Configuration Entry
It is possible to change an entry after it has been entered into the table. Follow these steps to change an entry:
2.Make any modifications required
3.Click on Save Edit or press
4.Click on Exit Edit or press
If this entry was selected by mistake and is not the one that needed modification, just click on the Exit Edit or press