Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager
System Menu (ALT-Y)
Figure 31 - Main Screen System Menu
This menu is concerned with system level functions of the Magnum Router.
This menu is ONLY accessible if the Magnum Router Manager is logged onto a Magnum Router.
Reboot Router
Selecting the Reboot Router menu item is the same as clicking on Reboot Router from the main screen.
Upgrade Magnum Router
The Magnum Router is a product that is constantly being updated and improved upon. The Upgrade Magnum Router function is a simple way to bring a Magnum Router up to the latest revision so that any new functions or improvements can be utilized.
Upgrade files may be supplied via a compressed folder, or can be located on a supplied CD. Uncompress the folder into a temporary file area before beginning the upgrade procedure.
IMPORTAINT NOTE: A Magnum Router Upgrade requires that the PC that is running the Magnum Router Manager have IP access to the Magnum Router. If the PC does not have IP access, then the Update WILL fail.
Once the Upgrade files are uncompressed to the PC’s hard disk drive, select Upgrade Magnum Router from the System menu.