Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager
Send Configuration to the Magnum Router
This option is the same as clicking on the “Send” button of the main screen. It’s function is to send the configuration that is currently being worked on in the Magnum Router Manager to the Magnum Router.
Sending the configuration to the Magnum Router does not cause the Magnum Router to begin using any changes instantly. The Magnum Router needs to be rebooted for configuration changes to be used.
Settings Menu (ALT-S)
Figure 29 - Main Screen Settings Menu
This menu allows for setting several options for the Magnum Router.
This menu is ONLY accessible if the Magnum Router Manager is logged onto a Magnum Router.
Communications Settings
Selecting the COMMUNICATIONS SETTINGS from the menu will display the main communications setup screen. This screen (which is shown when the Magnum Router Manager is first started) gives the ability to change the communications port that will be used to connect to a Magnum Router. It can further allow entry for any special modem commands for dialing up a Magnum Router. Refer to Chapters 5 and 6 for more information.