Windows 7 for IT Pros: Make People Productive Anywhere
Remove Barriers to Information
Search and Federated Search
In Windows 7, search is better integrated with enterprise infrastructures to help people more easily find the information they need. They can search in more places more
Search results in Windows 7 are more relevant and simpler to under- stand, and workers can easily narrow down or expand the locations being searched. In addition, Federated Search provides
search these remote indexes easily as they search their local
Federated Search supports the public OpenSearch 1.1 standard, so with a few minor updates, Web developers can take advantage of existing investments in RSS lists to quickly return results to Windows
7.In most cases, this represents a few days’ work for a Web developer. After a server has been made capable of responding to OpenSearch requests, a simple
Search Descriptors can be placed on Web sites so that people can install them in a manner similar to subscribing to an RSS feed today. Office SharePoint Server 2007 and many
Windows 7.
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