Designing Windows 7
Market Trends that Inspired Windows 7
As we planned Windows 7, we took a hard look at how the world of technology is changing and what that means for you. In doing so, we identified some key themes that influenced our engineering design efforts and helped us to focus on where we could deliver the highest value to you.
•Hardware advances. Since Tablet PCs with touch screens were introduced more than five years ago, a whole range of new devices has made touch technology more popular. Similarly, the reduced cost of random access memory (RAM) has led many more people to use
Bluetooth connectivity, multicore central processing units (CPUs), and powerful new graphics accelerators.
•Expanded diversity and sophistication of devices. The type and range of devices continue to expand. Nearly 1,500 new Plug and Play devices are identified each day, with more than 4 million expected by 2010. At the same time, devices like MP3 players and mobile phones store more information and offer more features than ever before.
•Growth of mobile computing. In the United States, portable computers are becoming more prevalent than desktops, and we’re seeing a growing variety of them, like small notebook PCs,
•More connection options. People want to get online easily and stay online using whatever
Internet connection is available. Furthermore, people want to be able to access work and home information, no matter where they are.
•Connecting multiple PCs in the home. Today, more than half of U.S. households have more than one
•More digital media. People now have access to more types of digital media than ever, includ- ing music, video, TV, photos, and an
•A rapidly evolving Web. Browsing the Web remains the single most popular activity on the
PC, with people spending more
•Increased focus on costs. Although businesses often adopt new operating systems for better security and quantifiable cost savings, application and device compatibility can prevent them from moving forward. IT professionals need to know that adopting new technologies will make running and managing PCs easier, help increase data security, and extend the investments they have already made in existing applications and devices